I was in Salt Lake on my way to LA...
"So I should be in LA right now. My car however had other plans and blew a piston. Which according to my father hasn't happened to a car since 1978. I'm stranded in Salt Lake while I await the $3,500 repair bill from the lovely gentlemen at Ken Garf Saab.
It's looking more and more like I'm never going to get to LA. I spent most of today walking between the Salt Lake Public Library and some odd outdoor mall a mile away. I just wanted to see Tropic Thunder and I really didn't think that "Up two blocks and over a bit" could be that far. I got hopelessly lost and had to ask directions twice but I arrived at the theater five minutes before the 2:35 showing of the movie. It took up a nice 2 hour chunk of my time wasting. However walking the 2 miles with my laptop and 30 pound backpack made me want to punch the dude who stopped me to say "Smile it could be worse". I suppose my car could have destroyed itself by bursting into flames and taking all of my photo and computer gear with it while simultaneously getting me pregnant, and spreading a rumor that I have herpes. That would have been worse I guess. I still wanted to punch that haggard old hippie in his three teeth though.
I'm back at the library where it's air conditioned, waiting for Michael Brown to get off work so I can go and live off of his family's amazing charity some more. Thank god for them. Without them I'd probably have to mooch off of some Morman family who would try to brain wash me into a pair of chinos. "
Amazing what can happen in a year eh?