Saturday, November 07, 2009

Maybe he's rich and I should get his number...

One of the sites I used to frequent in my work procrastination was ModBlog over at BMEzine. My white ink chest piece was even featured on it once. I stopped by to check up today after not browsing it for a few months. While I find most of the tattoo work on BMEzine really beautiful, I've never ever been a fan of neck tattoos*. Necks don't usually age well, and I'm a big proponent of people getting tattoos that will look good as you skip on down that path into middle age. But this? I just don't understand why you'd get this as a tattoo. I really hope he's got one hell of a trust fund tucked away somewhere. I totally don't think people should be denied work because they have tattoos (tasteful ones of course) but I wouldn't even hire this guy to mow my lawn**!

* Let the record state (mom) I WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER tattoo my face or neck!
** Let the record state that I don't have a lawn, I have a weird cement patio that extends all the way from the door to the sidewalk.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Ew. And I'll say it again. Ew.