I survived SxSW and Bamboozle with only a bit of wear and tear.
We got a new roommate named Yuki, he's Japanese, and I think I've seen him a total of three times since he moved in.
There's a mattress in our living room if anyone wants it.
I have about 2,000 photos to go through.
I wore shorts today.
Goodnight Sunrise officially live in Southern California now! I am very excited about this.
So does Jerry Roush. I'm also excited about this.
I get to see Ok Go this week at the Jimmy Kimmel taping. Immediately after, I get to see my buddy Andy, AKA Astronautalis perform at the Bootleg Theater. Both of these things are awesome.
I'm doing a shoot tonight with Jace and Secret Secret Dino Club for Hide&Seek, Thursday I do another one with Andy. Busy Busy.
I have to figure out how to trade my Friday night shift, because Dannel got me a ticket to see Alkaline Trio... it's trade shifts or quit or something because I MUST go to that show.
There is a really pissed off Chinese woman yelling outside my house. She's yelling at a Mexican locksmith. Maybe she's just talking though. But it sounds like yelling. I can't understand what either of them is saying.
Grad school update
10 years ago