Sunday, November 30, 2008

How I achieve my "style": a rant
I've been getting a lot of e-mail lately asking how I post process my images because the writer "is trying to achieve the same look".
Think about that statement before you ask me this question. How about you tinker around with the CS4 suite you just pirated off the internet for a few hours, heck a few days! I am extremely protective of my post process for the following reasons...
1. I went to school for six years (YES SIX) five of which were spent in photography and graphic design. I am now roughly $22,000 in debt from it. However, I learned 90% of everything I know about photography in school. If you ask my advice, I will tell you to also go to school.
2. I gained another $20,000 in debt moving to LA after car breakdowns and the purchase of a 2005 Corolla. I don't have another job, I am a photographer, I make money to feed myself off of photography.
3. If I have a "style" most of it comes from lighting. Something that takes a hell of a lot of practice to get right. You can photoshop a good picture and make it great, but you can't photoshop crap into a diamond. Learn to take good pictures before you learn photoshop, and you won't have anything to worry about. Look at Tyler Shields, he kicks my ass and barely touches his images in post!
So! There you have it. Sorry I'm not being helpful, but I have to pay rent this month.
Oh and I know someone out there is going to flame this post because they kick ass and never went to school... well I did, I'm in debt so you win.


Leslie said...

Yes, but HOW do you achieve your style?

Just kidding.

Ancient City Photography said...

I've never once received a question about "how" to do what I do! I wonder if I should feel good or bad about my work! They do say imitation is the best form of flattery...or something like that...