Sunday, December 07, 2008

Today was a loooooong day! I awoke at around 8 after not sleeping well, and constantly waking up to write down ideas for Lower D's shoot on Monday. Rian arrived around 9:30 and we loaded up the cars with our equipment and made a couple stops for coffee (so needed this morning), and a few other things. The day was spent shooting a band called Kingsley. During the shoot I was instructed to scream at each of the band members, and was hoarse by the end of the day. The pictures are hilarious though! I think that if I were male, I would be Stephen the keyboardist... it was weird.
I tore down and loaded gear in record time and hit the road for the hour drive to Palmdale to meet Monday's subjects; Lower Definition. After meeting with Stephan, Matt, and Eddie about ideas and money stuff I remembered that I had neglected to eat anything during the day and headed to In and Out for an animal style grilled cheese, and fries. Driving back to the venue it dawned on me that my earplugs were sitting at home on my desk and I was on my way to a hardcore show. Ugh. I stopped at a couple gas stations but was out of luck in my quest. I decided to save as much hearing as possible and opted out of watching the first two bands and instead chatted with Claire on the phone for a bit before going inside.
Once I made the decision to sacrifice my ears to the gods of metal I had a grand time enjoying Lower Definition's tour mates In Fear and Faith and a band who's name has slipped my mind at this late hour. Both bands had some crazy guitarists with mad skills. In Fear and Faith has two lead singers. One who screams and one to sings melody. It was really interesting, and I definitely dig that dynamic. Lower D played last and put on a pretty stunning performance. Those guys will definitely be a blast to work with Monday.
As for me, I'm dead tired, and it's 2am, and I have to go photograph skyscrapers tomorrow for Vogue in the Movement's backdrop, and decide which of three shows to go to. Vogue in the Movement and Stereo Tragedy in Victorville, Abeline at The Knitting Factory, or take in another dose of Lower D in Anaheim... decisions... I'll let my destroyed eardrums decide in the morning.

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