Sunday, March 22, 2009

Last night Aria and Stumpe hosted a wine party for the Montana kids and it was a grand time! I'm always in awe of how many Montucky kids are out here and being successful. I wish there were more photo alum out here (wink wink). I love and hate two buck chuck. I have learned to avoid the red unless I want to hate my life after one glass. Last night I was drinking from the assortment of white wines that Trader Joe's had to offer. I had three glasses, and ate a fair amount of the available snackage. We headed home around two and I began the task of half napping while waiting for Versa Emerge to get here from their 24 hour drive from Austin. 2:30am turned into 4:00am which turned into an actual arrival at 6:00am. When they got here I started to get a headache, so I ate two vitamin C tablets and drank three glasses of water. Still, I have a wee hang over. I think I'm just not supposed to enjoy cheap wine. BLAST!
Anyway, finally went to sleep some time around 7, woke up at 10:30 to wish Versa Emerge a happy recording day. How they had so much energy I will never know! Drank some more water, and some coffee, ate a fried egg sammy and now I'm typing this. Why am I awake... no clue. I think I'm going to remedy that with a nap now. Then I get to wake up, drive out to Pomona hopefully to catch Bidwell's set, and then speed out to Fullerton to reshoot Sleep District's promos with the new band members. Wheee! Nap now.

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