Friday, October 17, 2008

I need money. I should sell my eggs. I hear lots of people want really freaky tall kids these days.
I've been staring at my computer screen so long I think I have a permanent rectangle burned into my retina. We finish shooting the book tomorrow I think. I'm going to be in it as an "emo hipster chick" what a stretch. I get my hair dyed and extensions put in I think. Should be really really weird. I get to wear big ass headphones.

I'm going to shoot two bands in the next couple of weeks that are... wait for it... PAID GIGS. Might be three bands if Dan from Lorene Drive would e-mail me back. We're also doing a music video for The Syncope Threshold a band I met twice in the past week. Really cool guys, I'm doing their promos when they get back from tour.

I'm so glad this week is almost over. I'm declaring Sunday "Vegan Gumbo and Soydream and Bad Movies night" I haven't seen my friend Mike in like two or three weeks because I've been "working" so much.

I shot my friend Rosie in Goodnight Sunrise's new cute merch for their website. Goodnight Sundies...

Probably as close to smut as I'll ever photograph. We'll see how poor I get.

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