Sunday, October 05, 2008

The new issue of Alternative Press makes me want to curl up and die! I swear all the good photographers in there are gone. Now everyone in that mag is 18 years old, and shoots for cost. UGH!!!!! I HATE IT! It's so easy to shoot for cost and call yourself a photographer when you live at home and your parents buy you every piece of camera equipment that your heart desires. Bite me. If you put a 4x5 in front of these kids they wouldn't know what the hell it even was! They don't know f-stops, they don't know lens speeds, they don't know when their images look cyan or even what it means when they do. I love the fact that I went to MSU. I know so much more than the digital brats coming out now. If the world lost all digital technology we would still be able to make art. So for that reason we kick ass. Don't let anyone ever tell you any different.

1 comment:

Ian Roderer said...

Amen to that!