Friday, October 03, 2008

So I know a bit more about the PDN competition. I'm going to be in the November PDN in the PixDigital competition. I won something in the Student Emerging talent category. I'm pretty stoked! Last year's competition only had 8 winners in that category, so I feel pretty good about my work. I finally got all of my images to upload to the site, and I'll be featured in the gallery for the contest till the end of time... or end of the internet or end of PDN whatever. The issue must be going to print really soon, I figured it would have to be the December issue at the very earliest. There's a huge gala party in New York for the competition and I really really want to go. But it's on the 24th of October so I'll have to be there in spirit. Maybe I'll give my invite to Eileen and she can wear a sign that says "in spirit of Megan E Thompson". Then people will think I'm dead and buy my art for thousands of dollars mwuahahaha!

Goodnight Sunrise is here! They are playing a show tonight then tomorrow we shoot for their promos, Hide and Seek Clothing, and Rocket Clothing. Big day. We're shooting at a pool! I'm stoked.

1 comment:

Ian van Coller said...

Very Cool