Saturday, January 24, 2009

Things I currently love...
1. The Monkey and Son's Sumatra coffee that I bought from Casbah Cafe. That shit is gooood!
2. for all my Must See TV needs
3. My 5D Mark II because the dang thing just keeps getting COOLER!
4. Rice... nuf said
5. Those bags of frozen mixed veggies from Safeway because they cost $1.75 and go well with the aforementioned rice.
6. Not paying for Downtown Disney Parking because I left at 1am and the parking guys had already gone home! HA SUCKAS!

Things I currently do not love at all...
1. Our outrageous power bill that skyrocketed for some reason in the last month from around $90 to $300. No bueno.
2. When I run into a cool band and have this conversation "Dude we would totally love to shoot with you, but some kid just shot us last week for free"
3. Did I mention the power bill?
4. Paying to get into shows... never bueno.
5. Dry skin. My skin is freaking out on me for no particular reason.

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