Monday, February 23, 2009

Today turned out to be pretty productive and enjoyable. I finalized more stuff for my Montana trip. Now I'm photographing my good friend Brandon in Bozeman on the 1st for his DJ business. It should be a LOT of fun! We're thinking mobster suits, and shooting records with a shotgun... photoshopped of course... Gotta love Montana, where you can drive down the road with a shotgun and no one bats an eye.

Stuff is booking up pretty solidly for March! I'm feeling really good about it. Ten days in Montana, then shooting Vogue in the Movement for Avant, doing new promos for Goodnight Sunrise, a shoot for Radash Clothing (I love trading for sweet clothes!) with Goodnight Sunrise and Brittany Flickinger (The girl who won Paris Hilton's new BFF). If there's time we'll even be doing a music video for Goodnight Sunrise while they're here! I'm really excited about the prospect of doing that because it's something I've always wanted to get into. Somewhere during march I'll be shooting a great band from Buffalo New York called Settings. They won the Ernie Ball Battle of the Bands back in December, and their live show blew me away. I'm excited to work with them!

I've spent the majority of the day churning out Sleep District's promos. I am so pleased with them so far! It's like my Strange Instances series threw up on my band promos! SO COOL! I'll be throwing them onto the blog the day the band launches them, so keep an eye out. But here's a little sneak peek...

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