Sunday, February 08, 2009

Ugh. I slept horribly last night! Bassett decided to do laundry at 2am and my GOD our washing machine sounds like a rocket ship, and it's right against my bathroom wall and closet so it's amplified all over my room. I was almost asleep too, then vrooooorrrgghhhh!
I had a weird dream/ nightmare last night too. In my dream I got a ton of poorly thought out tattoos, with lots of bright colors that were all the opposite of what I would ever want. I had some sort of totem pole on the back of my left arm, and something on my right about cupcakes. Oh and the worst was a Hawaiian themed Montana tribute all around my entire right calf and shin. It was pink and had all these flowers, and an outline of Montana, and it made no sense. It went all the way from my ankle and sleeved up to my knee. I hate leg sleeves! It was god awful and I think seeing that one is what made me wake up. I've had nightmares like this before, and I think they're brought on by seeing people around here with terrible, poorly thought out modification decisions. I always have to wake up and look at my arms and legs to make sure it was just a dream, then breathe a big sigh of relief when the bad tattoos aren't there.
I remember part of the dream I was sitting talking to someone, and I had gotten all my white tattoos colored in. Whoever I was talking to said "Oh it's too bad you got those filled in, you used to be so original... now you just look like everyone else" GAH! It was such an awful dream! I'm glad it's over, and that I do not and will never look like this guy...

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