Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I'm in LA, homeless, and unemployed. It's liberating. Trying to set up a game plan on how to start my career is probably the most daunting task I have ever had to face. I don't want to be a grown up! I'm living on a friend's couch in a house full of anywhere from 5-6 boys. I'm so excited to get a house, but I'm already so discouraged from looking. Every place that I find there is something wrong with it. Bad neighborhood, only one bathroom, one person gets screwed with the tiny room, ect. It's really frustrating.

Sometime in the next week or so I'm going to meet with Susan Baraz from AtEdge. AtEdge is a really exclusive agency that connects clients like AT&T and Nike with edgy new photographers for ad campaigns. She loved my Lovejoy series from Critical Mass and was pretty much the only person on my contact list coming down here. Luckily she remembered me from my e-mail and images right away and is meeting with me to set up a game plan for finding me work. She also heads up a business called PhotoTherapy which works with you to streamline your portfolio for the work you want to get. She's giving me a discounted rate which is awesome.

Off to look at another house... adios!


Camden Hardy said...

AtEdge seems like a good connection to have. The photographers they represent all seem to be producing really nice work - I just wasted a good half hour looking through it. Good luck with all that; hopefully it will pay off.

Have fun house hunting...

Megan E Thompson said...

Thanks Camden!