Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm slowly getting over my cloud nine high from yesterday and reality is setting back in. Unfortunately this means that even if the PhotoTherapists think I'm the bomb, I'm still homeless, jobless, and unsure of what to do. I'm becoming an expert at making a 98 cent pack of spaghetti last a week, and potatoes are our new friends.

I sat in my new favorite coffee shop Swork for a couple hours today e-mailing potential employers on Craigslist, and photographers that the PhotoTherapists want me to be like. I e-mailed on some houses last night but still haven't heard anything from those. I got an e-mail from Rocko of The Devil's Orchestra and he loves the images I shot on Sunday and I'm invited back to shoot whenever I care to. Nice, but it doesn't pay the bills.

I did also get another e-mail from Susan Baraz about how excited they are about me. I mailed her all my images today for her and Rhoni to play with and edit for me. Hopefully we meet again ASAP so I can get work. I'm feeling very poor.

Speaking of bills Critical Mass starts up next week. I'm entering of course. I might take up donating plasma or something... I hear that pays kinda well.

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