Monday, May 25, 2009

It's official! I really need a grown up phone. But this puts me into an odd boat. Do I stick with Verizon and get a Blackberry, or do I switch out and get an iPhone? I'm tempted to just stick with Verizon since I've never really had any issues with them as a company. I even got a free phone once. Plus in the next year or so they'll have the iPhone as well, and I'm definitely holding out for the 3rd generation iPhone. That thing's going to be ridiculous! Today I might go down to the Verizon store and see what they'll let me do. I can't be without internet on Warped. No e-mail would probably kill me. I almost didn't survive my trip to Montana. I literally had to drive two hours out of the way and spend another hour in a coffee shop just to check e-mail and to send an agreement. Space phone would solve this. I'm going to see if there's a way to just stay on my family plan thing and maybe pay my part of it through a kiosk at the store. Ahh technology! So what kind of phone would be best guys?

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