Saturday, May 30, 2009

What a fun morning! I spent it at the House of Blues in Hollyweird photographing Mark and Pete as they sold tickets for the Irvine date of the tour. We got word about a half hour into the sale that the show's online sales sold out in 12 minutes! That's insane! So stoked for the guys, this tour is going to be ridiculous.
While I was making my way past the line to the HOB some kid in line yelled out "Hey that's Megan Thompson" and THAT was by far the strangest thing that has ever happened to me. I just looked around really fast and kinda waved... no clue who was talking to me. Anyway I met a lot of cool kids, and had a great time!
Now I'm off to Victorville to do some behind the scenes work with Sleep District. Probably end up sleeping out there too. Long day, but it's going to be a great one!

1 comment:

jwaller96 said...

You're becoming famous!