Sunday, April 05, 2009

HOME STRETCH! I can actually see the light at the end of this editing tunnel. For Settings anyway... sigh

Yesterday I went to Springfest out at USC. Not gonna lie, it was pretty cool getting to see Brand New, The Submarines, Portugal the Man, The Summer Set, Iglu and Hartly, and Run Doris Run... but I can barely handle a 6 band lineup, much less 9 hours and 16 bands. I got super ADD, and it there wasn't enough going on to keep me occupied. Mostly hung out with Jared and the Run Doris boys, and The Summer Set between sneaking around trying to figure out how to get my hands on a press pass for Brand New. Our theory of "security getting used to you" didn't work and half way through Portugal's set I got booted out of the barricade. According to the little lady who was in charge there weren't any photo passes. Yet in Run Doris' green room she handed one to her friend who I saw later taking pictures with a dinky power shot. Eff my life. I wanted to scream. Anyway, I'll post some of the photos I got of The Submarines in a while. The sun was setting right behind them and it didn't hurt that she has great blond hair and they cover everything in daisies! So pretty! Probably some of my favorite live photos ever.
Back to editing!
Currently listening to Ace Enders and a Million Different People- When I Hit the Ground


treesims said...

are you going to see rdr at the np house on wed?

Megan E Thompson said...

Yeees! I am very much excited to see Dr. Manhattan!