Thursday, April 02, 2009

Slade Echeverria
Slade from Anarbor

I'm slowly getting through the editing fog. Today was a very long day and I'm really looking forward to going to sleep. I'm actually getting a grownup tax return this year. Shame that it will probably be the last one I'll ever get now that I'm self employed. Oh well, not complaining, I can pay rent and all feels right in the world for another month. Tomorrow I'm photographing The Summer Set for Hide and Seek and all I can say is that I'm excited... and it's going to involve brightly colored sherbet. Yum!
My roommates had a gumbo feast and the whole house smells like home. It's making me homesick actually, and I can't even eat the gumbo because it's full of chicken sausage. Sad panda. I'm going to bed.

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