Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yesterday was such a strange day. I woke up with that nasty headache which was remedied by taking a bunch of Excedrin. Then I looked at my calendar and freaked out. I've been so busy that I crapped out on following through on a bunch of shoots, and it's looking so dim right now. I spent a majority of the morning sending out e-mails only to get replies like, "Oh we got some dude's sister to do them for free". Frustrating. So I decided to one up it all and e-mailed management groups, magazines, and editors. Actually got replies such as the amazingly vague "Your work is great- let's work together, keep in touch" ... I have no clue if I'm supposed to just bug them once a week or so, or if I'm supposed to just sit tight and wait. I think I'm just going to bug them.
My friend Brittany let me know last night that one of her 103 students chose ME as the photographer for his emulation project! He wrote a paper on me, and tried to copy my style for their assignment. That is so flippin cool! I'm ridiculously flattered, Britt's going to scan me one of his images, and send me his essay. I'm excited. I feel way cooler than I actually am right now.
I tried to go to sleep early, then realized none of my friends do that, as they kept texting me. So tonight I turn off the phone before trying to get my sleep schedule back on track!

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