Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ok. Tonight was the best and worst stream of luck a photographer has ever had. A while back OkGo scheduled a show in Anaheim that I wasn't able to go to because I was too poor, or out of town or something. Damian got sick and the show was postponed (hooray!) but it was moved to May when I was going to be out of town again (booo!). Until I got an e-mail at the beginning of the week from Jorge informing all of OkGo's fan kingdom that they rescheduled show was now moved to Friday the 10th (hooray!). However I was still way too poor to afford a $25 ticket (boo!). Until I got a care package from my wonderful mother and decided to spend a little Easter cash and treat myself to a concert for once (hooray!).
Fast forward to me trying to figure out how to secure a ticket for tonight's show. I couldn't get one online, I couldn't get one on the phone, I couldn't even get a human on the phone to tell me if there were actually any tickets still available. I found two tickets on craigslist but they were gone by the time I e-mailed the guy. I posted a bulletin on the wonderful myspace and my great friend Nik who works for Capitol Records (OkGo's label... ) texted me to "see if he could find me a ticket"(HOORAY!). I got a text letting me know I was on OkGo's list! (Double HOOOOOORAY!) Then I started into the "Oh I hate going by myself" mindset and decided to find a friend and Mark agreed to go. I told him I'd pay for half his ticket since mine was free. Here's where karma comes in somehow... We went to the ticket window to get my ticket and they didn't have the list yet. We asked to buy a ticket for Mark, and a gentleman behind us offered us his for FREE! We even tried to pay him but he didn't want it. So nice of him! Then we went to get dinner... I should have gone back to check if the list was there... we had a nice pizza dinner and around 8:30 went back to get my ticket. The nice window girl went off with my ID and came back with a contract for me to sign for my PHOTO PASS! She slipped an after show pass and a photo pass to me... I was completely unaware that Nik had e-mailed OkGo's manager saying his "Photographer friend wanted to go" OkGo has the most amazingly awesome manager in the world apparently, and hooked me up. So back to me being completely unaware and completely without my 5D... NOOOOOOO!!!!! If I had checked back before dinner I would have had enough time to speed back home and get my camera in time for OkGo's set. FAIL!
All that aside, it was my first time seeing OkGo in 4 years and my golly they still pack a punch! It's going to take so much for any band to top them as my absolute favorite live show. Tonight was lucky #7 for times I've seen them and... I mean... I GOT TO SEE THIS LIVE TONIGHT!

There were also about a million confetti canons and they threw OkGo tambourines into the audience. If you have never experienced OkGo, you really need to before you die. It will make your life exponentially happier.

1 comment:

Pennie said...

fucking awesome.